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Sharia Lecture Draws Crowd in Danville

Original article available here.

On Tuesday in a darkened conference room above Mary's Diner in Danville, a group of about 40 people gathered to hear a lecture on the dangers of Sharia law in America.

The event was hosted by Act! For America, a grassroots organization that informs Americans of the threats of radical Islam, and the leader of the Southside Virginia chapter.

The event's speaker refused to give her name or allow pictures to be taken because of her fear of possible threats from Muslim extremists.

She spoke on how Islamic ideology and the Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating America's institutions and is becoming a threat.

"We believe in individual liberty. They believe in Allah's divine law," the anonymous speaker said. "To them there is no equality because Muslims are better than non-Muslims and men are better than women."

Sharia law is the religious law of Islam. However, different types of Muslims believe in different interpretations. The speaker said it was the extremist version of Sharia law that is cause for concern since it comes into direct conflict with American laws. She argued that Sharia law is unable to recognize the laws of the land the way the laws of Christianity and Judaism do, which make them incompatible with democracy.

"I have said nothing here against any Muslim to practice his religion," said the speaker. "My complaint is when it comes in conflict with the constitution."
Literature also was handed out at the meeting highlighting ways that Muslims are deceiving American lawmakers and planning to infiltrate democracies worldwide.

While there was much concern over Sharia law present at the lecture, not everyone sees the law as a huge threat.

Constitutional attorney John Whitehead is the founder of the Rutherford Institute, a civil liberties organization that provides council to people whose constitutional and legal rights have been violated. He has dealt with numerous cases involving religious rights and said that Sharia law is not taking over America because most Muslims are not extremists.

"Most Muslims do not practice Sharia law. Most Muslims are basic, average human beings," said Whitehead. "They are not violent and don't believe in violence. There are some religions that go to extremes, but they have a right to believe it as long as it does not lead to violence."

Whitehead stated that he does not believe Sharia law imposes on American laws because everyone has a right to believe in what they want and American law will triumph if religious law is taken to extreme.

"I think it is great that people are talking about it. Open discussions are good," said Whitehead. "But we don't want to get so paranoid because it leads to hatred. We just need more tolerance of other religions."


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